Monday, September 26, 2005

Opening Session

WUSS 2005 was hosted by Nikki Carroll (Academic Chair) and Diana Suhr (Operations Chair) at the Fairmont Hotel in San Jose. There were plans already made for next year where it will be held at the Hyatt Regency in Irvine. Kim Le Bouton who is the chair of SUGI next year updated that SUGI is going to be held in San Francisco next year. It sure takes a lot of planning for these volunteer efforts to become such a success.

Paul Kent from SAS Institute who worked in the SAS Platform Research and Development gave the key note discussion entitled “Modern SAS;” where the semi-colon represent the behind the scene. His discussion had the theme of how SAS has evolved over the years to remain relevant. Paul planted some questions which are food for thought. These included questions such as:

What do we do?
Who do we program for?
What are the sign posts that would help us in this path of evolution?

Paul suggest some answers to these questions. He describes how there are three focus areas as to what SAS does including: Analytics, Data Management and Reporting. For data management, he pointed out some key points such as creating quality and understanding how users would use the data. For reporting, Paul pointed out how SAS has integrated with Excel since this is the tool that is on user’s desktops. SAS has the ability to hook into Excel with menus to then run SAS programs (also known as stored processes). There was a push for enterprise guide (EG) with examples and comparisons to Excel. The distinction was that EG had presented the data with both graphical and textual in the same report.

He suggest that it should be as simple as Google. This enables users to help themselves next time when they they the tool. Paul was able to distill complex work processes into simple questions and suggests approaches on how SAS users can add value to resolve these problems.


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